2017 - Environmental quality of the building
Research project TEC-Tec
Site : Réunion
Mission : Research project
Date : 2017
Project Owner : PACTE (AQC) / ADEME / EDF
Project manager : AIA Environnement, LEU Réunion, Imageen, BCO2 Ingénierie et le laboratoire PIMENT de l’université de la Réunion
Programme: Research project "Tropical Carbon Energy - Reduction"
Developed as part of the programme PACTE (co-financed by ADEME - EDF), the TEC-Tec® (Tropical Energie Carbone Réduction*) tool is an energy and carbon pre-diagnosis spreadsheet for new tertiary building projects in Reunion Island.
The TEC-Tec® tool is not intended to be a regulatory prescription, but has been developed to help project owners, contractors and other players in the building industry to design projects on Reunion Island that guarantee a high level of environmental performance in terms of their energy consumption and overall greenhouse gas emissions.
Its broad scope, covering design, construction and operation, including relocation and possible catering, is capable of alerting stakeholders to the relative weight of their requirements while directing them towards effective measures to reduce their impact.
The TEC-Tec® tool comes in the form of a spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel and LibreOffice Calc compatible) and a user guide (Adobe Acrobat), which can be freely downloaded :
Supported byADEME, l'AQC and DEAL Réunion, The TEC-Tec® tool was developed in 24 months by a group of design offices including AIA Environnement, LEU Réunion, IMAGEEN, BCO2 Ingénierie and laboratoire PIMENT de l’Université de La Réunion. In February 2020, it was the subject of several conferences, seminars and training sessions for the Réunionese planning, design and construction sectors.
* The tec-tec is a small bird endemic and emblematic of Reunion Island.