Les premiers bâtiments sont en train de sortir de terre et les premiers habitants attendus d’ici à la fin de l’année. Partie Intégrante de précocité du TCO – la seule de l’Outre-mer – l’écoquartier Coeur de ville prefigures a new way of conceiving and building the city in a radically sustainable, participative approach focused on the needs of the inhabitants, health and well-being. A future city centre with a human, green, smart and environmentally friendly dimensionThe project is based on a number of digital innovations. A "short-distance" city where shops and facilities are ideally located to favour soft modes of transport. Guided tour of the city of tomorrow, a project initiated by the municipality and built by Semader.
Parallel to the constructions,ers arbres ont été plantés, La végétation fait partie intégrante du projet: un tiers de la surface totale est dédiée à la nature avec la plantation de 80 000 plants (arbres, lianes, palmiers, arbustes) pour créer le premier centre Ville jardin de l’île: Les arbres remarquables déjà présents ont été conservés et l’accent mis sur la flore locale : 100 native and endemic species will be spread over the ZAC and in particular along the future tropical pedestrian mall that crosses the district.
As a source of well-being, nature also brings comfort by lowering the temperature by an average of 3%.

They are an integral part of the neighbourhood, the eco-neighbourhood will include several hared gardens open to all to learn how to cultivate the land and provide organic and free vegetables to the population. The result: a saving estimated at an average of 1200 euros per year for a family. A source of health but also a source of social ties. The city is going even further by planning to install the island's first urban farm A market gardener will come to settle in the heart of the district. Discussions are underway with the DAAF and the Chamber of Agriculture. All the more reason not to take your car and to eat a little better every day.
Several digital innovations will contribute to making the city more efficient: sensors optimize waste collection by indicating when the bins are full (no unnecessary collection), implementation of an intelligent electrical network, installation in each home of a system to monitor its water and electricity consumption directly.
This is one of the great novelties of the project, which is intended to be evolutionary and shared. Not everything is written down and the first inhabitants have already been consulted to give names to the streets, starting with the big tropical mall, the pedestrian path that crosses the district. Nearly 50 proposals have been made on Facebook and the city's website. Same freedom concerning the choice of street furniture or the destination of several spaces. It is up to the inhabitant to choose how he or she wishes to appropriate the new public spaces and facilities that he or she wishes to see emerge. A questionnaire was carried out with requests for a church (the town hall is considering a "multi-cultural" centre), an ashram, a yoga centre, etc. They are currently being studied.
To give priority to soft modes of transport, more space is given to bicycles, public transport (TCSP) and pedestrians with wide avenues and pedestrian squares..
The development has also been designed to make shops and public facilities close to the homes, but also all the necessary services available within the district and thus avoid having to take one's car. It is the city of " short-distance ». Les parkings sont semi-enterrés et pour développer l’électrique, des bornes solaires rechargeables seront installées. La ville étudie également avec le TCO la possibilité de créer un système de voiture électrique en libre-service ou en auto-partage.

Sustainable development is of course at the heart of the project. Photovoltaic panels will appear on the roofs on the principle of self-consumption : what is produced is consumed in the neighborhood.. BioclimaticIn addition, the constructions also give a large part to openings to naturally refresh the dwellings. The lighting is optimised and energy-efficient (LED).
A total of 1,700 dwellings must be built (5 tranches) by 2025 to house 5,000 inhabitants. No less than 60% will be social from so-called very social housing (LLTS) to home ownership. There will be the same diversity on the private side with collective housing, small collective housing, bunk houses and open lots to be built. No partitioning: within each block the housing is mixed between social and private. No barriers. No " social marker ".
The neighbourhood's ambition is to become the future business centre and economic hub of the West. No less than 6 000 m2 of shops are planned - approximately 30 commercial spaces - and 5,000 m2 of offices. Priority is given to local shops, only an average food surface is planned in the project.

Future downtown of La PossessionThe district will house the future town hall and many public facilities : crèches et micro-crèches, écoles, plateau sportif, mais également un centre culture. des parcs et aires de jeux pour les enfants. Two big places the largest of which will be 7,500 m2 and will host shows and street entertainment. Residences for the elderly are located next to schools as well as establishments for the handicapped, particularly for autistic children (Saint-François d'Assises association).
No less than 5% of the works contract is reserved in terms of insertion hours for a total amount of 17 million euros, mainly for the development of the ZAC. In total, with a budget of 450 million euros, the project generates 400 jobs annually. The % of the excavated material is reused to make gabions.